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12 Life-Changing Rules Buddhist Monks Live By

What is your impression of the day-to-day of a Buddhist monk? Your visualization may make it appear that the monk-life is a vast departure from modern society, and you’d be pretty close to the truth. However, we can draw inspiration from the way they live their lives. Lees het hele …

Geef 80% van je spullen weg, daar knap je van op

(Gastbijdrage van Liesbeth van Houten) Wil je lichter, luchtiger en ongecompliceerder leven? Thuiskomen in een huis dat zen is en waar je al je spullen kunt vinden? Geef dan 80 procent van je spullen weg. Daar knap je absoluut van op! Zes praktische tips en een spirituele. 1. Lees het …

Codecademy Stories

How and why did you get started with coding? I got my degree in Finance and although I started off in accounting, I kept seeking out more and more technical roles thought my career. Lees het hele artikel >

The Relation Between the Moon and the Human Mind

Every thing around us has an effect on something within us – be it our exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UVR), looking at the morning sky, taking a walk in the forest, or swimming in the sea – nature’s beauty prompts the flow of hormones and energy in our …

5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Belly fat can be one of the most difficult and stubborn areas of your body to burn off. Most of the times it is the first thing people notice when they observe you. Therefore having belly fat can make you very self-conscious and it will affect your quality of life. …